Thursday, January 6, 2011

Make it beautiful

FINALS IS COMING! like in a month time *panic attack*
My first paper falls on the ninth day of cny, so i guess i should start studying now like NOW, but damn how on earth am I suppose to sit for finals during cny, not until the 15th is over!
Oh well, stop complaining, my friend's first paper is on the 5th day of cny, MMU really do knows how to make our life miserable. 2 more assignments and 1 more midterm then I'm done.
Clock is ticking real fast, one and a half month more and I'll be off for my industrial training ;'(
Gotta shift my stuff back to kluang, and shift some of my stuff to subang, haven even gotten any working outfits.
As much as I resist to leave this place, I'm just not willing to spend money on working outfits yet, am just so not prepared!

While I'm doing my training, half of my friends are gonna graduated D:
me so sad. this is like technically the last sem for all of us to be together already.
Feels like another phase of life is coming to an end, soon we are gonna be working adults and before you realise, we are in our mid twenties, talking about money and economics, trying to take charge of our lives.

Okay enough of this freakingmeout shit.
Oh by the way! for those who had been following HIMYM, do watch the lastest season!
You'll get what I mean.
Till then,
Happy new year dear readers! Have a blessed year ahead!

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