Monday, January 10, 2011

Things to do before finals

This semester is stressing me out because 3 out of 4 subjects that I'm taking is super tough, note that I'm only taking 4 subjects and it's already suffocating me. I want an easy way out, to be honest, to get this over with and to get my degree.

So to say, in one month time is my finals, but there are things to be done before the killer comes!
Not to mention CNY is one week BEFORE finals, DOUBLE KILL!

1. to eat prosperity burger 
2. to watch The Tourist
3. Girl's outing!!!
4. to eat korean food (the last time I ate was bf's birthday =( )
5. to shop for birthday present (emhem you know who you are)
6. to buy a red top for CNY lol I'm very tradition okay 
7. to UPDATE our blogshop (girls aren't you excited :DDD)
   7.1 I cannot promise in massive updates, we will only bring in pieces that catch our eyes 
8. to buy a new eyelash curler
9. day trip to Jaybee
10. to get expired films, smena has been sitting down there like forever
11. to shop for formal clothes! this part i paling tak suka D: 

Four more to go! :D
Christmas present- she is so soft and fluffy!

Ze couple

Sarah, Livon, Me

Celebrated cousin's 21st on the last day of 2010!


Girls of the night

Birthday girl Siang and Special VIP, Sara.

Coincidentally they all wore leather jackets!

Joshua and mua

Countdown party 


Gimme the glow sticks and disco lights!

DJ's deck 

Surprise for the birthday girl 

Celebrated Jia Xin's birthday!
Happy Birthday girl!

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